Guide To Find The Perfect Jeans For Your Body

Jeans is a our best companion. We wear this piece of garment through just about everything. From those nervous dates, casual Fridays to chilling out with our buddies, it's something that we could always bank on. Needless to say, Our jeans should fit us as if it was just made for us. This is where our article come in the picture. We tell you how to get that perfect fit that will give the impression that the jeans was tailor-made for you.

1) Pick a Size Smaller
While women mostly go for denims that are a size smaller in size, men often end up wearing jeans too loose. A tight waistband is uncomfortable but a pair of jeans that's too loose will destroy your entire look making you look very unappealing. So, just grab a pair of jeans smaller than you would normally do. If you're able to put more than two fingers in the waistband, the jeans are still bigger.

2)When in Doubt, Prefer Dark
If you have to invest in only one pair of jeans-invest in a dark one. It makes for a solid statement and also makes the day-to-nigh transition rather easy. Just get into a new tee, thrown in a tie, and you're good to go.

3) Worry About Your Body Type?
Accentuating or de-emphasizing body curves is a woman's lookout. A man looks good in any kind of denim fit. Instead of thinking about the type of jeans, think about the occasion. A relaxed, classic cut type of jeans is good for weekends and for activities of leisure. Whereas a more tailored fit is selected for dressy and formal occasions. However, avoid the skinnies at all cost. Skin-fit denims are an individual's prerogative and don't look good on most Indian guys.

4) Careful About Your Pockets
This implies especially if your butt is your problem then pay attention to your pockets because too much detailing can draw attention to the problem area. Look for a clean pattern with probably thread detailing or design patterns on the pockets.

5) Cut
Straight cut is the Normal cut these days. Of course if your jeans are too long, they need to be tailored. It should just fit you- not too tight, not too loose it should be optimum. If you can grab an extra inch or two of fabric around your thigh when you stand up, you know the jeans fits you well. Just make sure it has no extreme tapering or boot cut.

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